2023 asi International Radio & Audio Conference

Wednesday 8th November 2023

The sound of success

What drives the enduring strength of audio and its measurement? In Nice this year we had three primary areas of focus:

We aimed to widen your understanding of how radio and audio are being consumed and how linear and on-demand best complement each other. What are the listener need-states that audio is able to respond to and how do these vary by demographic, by time of day and by country? What does the audio landscape look like in markets that have fully transitioned to a digital ecosystem? How is the relationship between audio and travel changing post-pandemic, particularly in-car, as vehicle operating systems become media and advertising real estate?

A number of markets now have a range of ongoing ‘ingredients’ that fit into their measurement systems, but thus far no two markets are following exactly the same recipe for combining metered measurement, diaries, day-after recall and census streaming data. How can passive and recall data best be integrated? What takes priority? How transparent are the algorithms used to do this? Will online diaries inevitably be phased out? We sought to understand the optimum way forward not just for data collection and blending, but also the metrics that are best suited to make the most of these new systems. Is it time to move beyond traditional radio concepts like quarter hour and reach to metrics like CPMs?

Meanwhile, podcasting and non-linear audio continue to grow, and so does our understanding of how both content and advertising work best in an on-demand context. We looked at the benefits of podcasts in reaching parts of the population that linear cannot and how listeners navigate an ocean of podcast content. How is podcasting data being activated for media sales? Which data sources offer the best strategies for effective measurement and what does the future have in store?

Joint session for Radio & Audio and TV & Video delegates

In our joint session we debated issues of common interest to all those involved in and using video and audio measurement.

Sustainability is a major priority for the media industry. The carbon footprint of different media channels is coming under scrutiny and with it the consideration of sustainability metrics that could feed into media planning decisions. Most directly for our community, how sustainable are the different forms of media measurement? Is data in the cloud more environmentally friendly than metered panels, or does big data require energy-hungry big server farms?

Artificial Intelligence is dominating the wider public debate with the advent of generative AI, but forms of AI and machine learning have been in use in measurement for a while now. What does the media industry make of AI, whether for content production, ad planning and serving or research design and administration?

As the WFA cross-media initiative progresses at a global level, many local developments are underway, some growing organically out of the JIC structure. However, increasingly currencies are not ‘staying in their lane’ but widening to measure other forms of media. We showcased some significant developments in cross-platform and cross-media measurement and asked how sustainable single-media currencies will be in the future.

Click on the relevant sections below for details of each conference session.

The 2023 International Radio & Audio Conference was generously sponsored by GfK.

    • Session Wednesday morning
    • Date Wednesday 8th November 2023
    • Time 09:30-12:20
    • 09:30

      Chair's opening remarks

      Paul Kennedy, Technical Advisor, RAJAR

    • Audio insights

    • 09:40

      The sound of resilience: five years of DAB and sounds in Norway

      Kristian Tolonen, Research Director, NRK

      Norwegian national radio has been on DAB for more than five years now. And it’s doing quite well, while podcast and new forms of audio are thriving. This is the story of what has happened with sound in the only country that has made the full transition to DAB, and how the national public media company NRK is adjusting to this new environment.

    • 09:50

      Radioplayer France: not only a radio app, but a question of sovereignty for French broadcasters

      Régis Verbiguié, Managing Director, Radioplayer France

      Over more than a decade of digital radio, French broadcasters have been distributed by many agents on many devices. But most of the time this was without real control over distribution and business models. As in a growing number of markets, Radioplayer France is an initiative led by broadcasters to take back control of digital distribution.

    • 10:00

      Navigating the need-states of Generation Audio

      Donna Burns, Head of Insight, Radiocentre

      Using a mixture of deep-dive self-ethnographic qualitative research combined with critical-mass data exploring listening behaviour, this study reveals how audio serves seven important consumer need-states and quantifies the scale/nature of listening within each.

    • 10:10

      Panel session

      Speakers from this morning’s opening session take questions from the floor.

    • Recipes for success in currency audio measurement

    • 10:30

      GfK Radio 360: life after launch

      Deb Hishon, Media Measurement Director, GfK ANZ

      How has the new Australian GfK Radio 360 ratings model transformed radio for the radio networks and the radio buyers since launch? What have been the highlights and key insights for the industry and what are they doing with the new audience metrics? As Radio 360 Phase One has been delivered, what is planned for the next iterations of Radio 360 in Australia; what are the goals of the industry with their radio audience measurement system?

    • 10:40

      Introduction of the NMO audio currency: a bold leap or a necessary well-managed innovation?


      Patricia Sonius, Director of Research, NMO Nationaal Media Onderzoek

    • & Irena Petric, Service Line Lead Audience Measurement, Ipsos

      Since January 2023, the new Dutch audio currency data, based on a passive electronic measurement, are delivered to the market every week. This innovative, more granular way of measuring listening produces significantly different results from the diary-based measurement that was used in the past. The new currency gives the market more possibilities for selling and buying, but also causes many questions and disturbance in the market. In this paper we will answer the question whether NMO, together with Ipsos, established acceptance in the market.

    • 10:50


      & a chance to network

    • 11:20

      A new total radio and audio measurement in France


      Cécile Bertrand, Research Director Audio, Médiamétrie

    • & Julien Rosanvallon, Executive Vice President, Médiamétrie

      Using the RateOnAir meter, Médiamétrie is building a new system that will show how digital listeners fit into the total audience of radio, both live and on-demand. The measurement will also deliver the digital audience increment and duplication with other audio content: original podcasts and internet radios.  The use of census data will give access to a single standard for the market.

    • 11:30

      The road to RAJAR's hybrid concept

      Charles Lawrie, Research Operations Director, RAJAR

      Following the Covid-19 outbreak, UK radio returned to data publication in Q3 2021 based on a diary survey + diary panel + passive measurement system. It took over a year to build up the various components with the design only being finalised in January 2023. This paper traces the challenges that RAJAR has encountered along the way.

    • 11:40

      CATI daydreams: radio renaissance with 7-day and multi-week R&F schedules


      Gary Whitaker, CEO, BRC (Broadcast Research Council of South Africa)

    • & Ian Garland, Managing Director, Milton Data

      The South African radio currency is based on a CATI day-after-recall survey of radio consumption. While the service provides many benefits to the industry, a long-standing request was for the industry to be able to prepare 7-day and multi-week R&F schedules as can occur in a seven-day diary. This paper presents a summary of a novel approach to creating a synthetic panel of listeners, retaining the source CATI data to a high degree of fidelity, and allowing 7-day and multi-week schedules to be prepared by industry stakeholders.

    • 11:50

      Panel session

      Speakers take questions from the floor.

    • 12:20


      & a chance to network

    • Session Wednesday afternoon
    • Date Wednesday 8th November 2023
    • Time 13:30 - 14:40
    • Podcasting in context

    • 13:30

      What does it take to launch a successful podcast?

      Matt Deegan, Director, Podcast Discovery

      With podcasting now such a crowded market place, what does it take to launch a successful show? Podcast Discovery masterminded the launch of Crooked Media’s ‘Pod Save the UK’ as well as a whole host of shows for Nordic network Podimo. Find out what strategies you can put in place to start strong and what tools you can use to track attribution of different marketing destinations.

    • 13:40

      Podcasts: beneficial for democracy and profitability

      Dennis Christensen, Head of Analysis, Danske Medier

      A recent study shows that podcasting plays a significant role in getting young people to interact with current affairs. While supporting democracy, it also shows that young people not only accept commercial messages in and around podcasting, but prefer the ad-based model and find ads on podcasts to be more relevant than other types of ads – and less annoying.

    • 13:50

      Speech Therapy: how Talk Radio and Podcasts can work together


      Alison Winter, Portfolio Head of Audiences for Radio and Music, BBC

    • & Emma Theedom, Portfolio Head of Audiences for News, Sport, Nations and Regions, BBC

      As linear speech radio declines and podcast audiences rise, new research from the BBC shines a light on current speech audio behaviours and how the two formats can complement, rather than fight, each other.  How is the BBC applying this insight as ‘news avoidance’ increases, and successfully experimenting across formats to offer fresh, new takes on what is a long-established BBC genre?

    • 14:00

      Podcast listeners: the people behind the devices

      Paul Eldon, Senior Product Manager, Triton Digital

      The benefits of the breadth of census-based measurement in defining the podcast audience and providing the totality of listening across platforms, devices and geography is well established. Depth, in terms of rich demographic information can only be provided by integrating this with survey data so publishers can understand their audiences. Paul shares some of the insights from Triton Digital’s Demos+ from the US and beyond.

    • 14:10

      Unified measurement for digital audio campaigns


      Sue Cullingham, Director – Head of Audio, Adwanted UK

    • & Chontal Angus, Head of Audiotrack and Audiolab, Adwanted UK

      Audiolab has been developed in response to the demand for standardised and independently-verified campaign measurement for digital audio. Drawing on their experience with J-ET, the UK radio industry’s trading and accountability system, Adwanted has developed a solution that provides agencies with unified campaign measurement.

    • 14:20

      Panel session

      Speakers from this afternoon’s opening session take questions from the floor.

    • 14:40


      & a chance to network

    • Session Wednesday afternoon: Joint Session
    • Date Wednesday 8th November 2023
    • Time 15:10-17:25
    • 15:10

      Chair's opening remarks

      Denise Turner, Chief Executive, Route Research



    • How sustainable is the business of measurement?

    • 15:20

      Towards sustainable audience measurement

      Estelle Duval-Barreau, Chief Strategy Officer, Médiamétrie

      Having completed three carbon assessments in a row (2020, 2021, 2022), Médiamétrie is ready to share some conclusions: what is the scale of emissions associated with audience measurement, what are the main sources of emissions – which part of the process – with some surprises, and how does it compare to other stakeholders in the industry?

    • 15:30

      Artificial Intelligence: assessing the impact on the media industry

      Lee Risk, Vice-President Media Measurement Commercial, GfK

      AI, particularly Generative AI, is a hot topic now, but what is the impact on the media eco-system likely to be? In the latest in its series of industry roundtables, GfK asked executives and business leaders how their companies are assessing the opportunities and risks.

    • 15:40

      Panel session

      Speakers take questions from the floor.

    • Moving beyond the measurement silos

    • 16:00

      Breaking up the silos: the AGF X-Reach Project

      Kerstin Niederauer-Kopf , Managing Director, AGF Videoforschung

      For years the market has been looking for a cross-media measurement solution to break up silos. AGF as the JIC providing the video measuring standard in Germany has teamed up with its partners to develop a project to do just that: AGF’s pilot project X-REACH, an innovative cross-media measurement framework, published its first results this summer.

    • 16:10

      Integrating BVOD into an online currency

      Heather White, Director, Digital Measurement, Ipsos Australia

      Ipsos iris has collaborated with OzTAM, to deliver a currency offering a total audience measurement viewership across big and small screens. Heather outlines the difficulties encountered along the way, what it means for content owners and how it helps re-position broadcast television in the digital media landscape.

    • 16:20

      The ultimate balancing act: working towards cross-media measurement while maintaining stability for the TV market


      Patricia Sonius, Research Director, NMO

    • & Liesbeth Nekkers, Head of Client Service, Kantar Media NL

      In the last two years NMO, the initiative of Dutch media research JIC’s, has been working towards the world’s first truly integrated audience measurement programme. The recent launch of the new TAM service is a major step towards this integrated system. What were the challenges faced introducing this new currency, such as the transition from one set of ratings to the other, and the set-up of a new panel during a pandemic? What have we done to keep the measurement relevant for teenagers and children?

    • 16:30

      Right place, right time

      Pat Pellegrini, President and CEO, Vividata

      With research-focused leadership and an expanded mandate to measure digital and cross-media audiences in Canada, Vividata will outline how it has transformed from a primarily print measurement JIC to break new ground in cross-media measurement.

    • 16:40

      Panel session

      Speakers from today’s final session take questions from the floor.

    • 17:10

      The 2023 Tony Twyman Award for Radio & Audio

      This annual award, together with 1000 euros, is presented to the conference paper that makes the best contribution to a greater understanding of Radio & Audio and its audiences. The award is kindly sponsored by dataBreeders.










    • 17:15

      Close of day

    • after the conference...

      asi Network Social

      Drinks Reception

      Delegates and speakers are invited to join us for the asi Network Social drinks reception immediately after the close of the day. The reception will be held in the Azur Room directly opposite the conference room, and is kindly sponsored by Ipsos.